Five Fairy Tales Of Automobile Bumpers

FAIRY TALE #1 All Automobiles Manufactured In The United States Have 5 MPH Bumpers. FACT: In 1982, the federal government bowed to pressure from automakers and rolled back impact test requirements from 5 to 2.5 mph for 1983 and later model cars. The 2.5 mph standard...

The Most Common Complaints About Parking Lot Damage

Anyone who parks in a parking garage or on the street knows all too well the risks involved. Dents, dings and scratches usually end up all over your vehicle, especially on the bumpers. A survey of parking garages indicates that the number of accident related...

Four Myths Of Whiplash

Myth #1: If you see that you’re going to get rear-ended and you “tense up” you’re more likely to get injured. Fact: Researchers like Dr. Arthur Croft from the San Diego Spine and Research Clinic and his human crash dummies say you’re less...

How A Bumper Can Save More Lives Than A Backup Alarm Or Camera

Every year hundreds of children and adults are injured and some are killed as a result of vehicles backing over these victims. Most back up accidents involve children under the age of 5 and elderly persons over 60 years of age. These backing up deaths occur in SUVs,...