Federal Bumper Standards

1) What is a bumper? A bumper is a shield made of steel, aluminum, rubber, or plastic that is mounted on the front and rear of a passenger car. When a low speed collision occurs, the bumper system absorbs the shock to prevent or reduce damage to the car. Some bumpers...


1. What function should bumpers serve? Bumpers should be designed to protect car bodies from damage in low-speed collisions, absorbing crash energy without significant damage to the bumper itself. Low-speed crashes occur by the thousands every day on congested streets...

Don’t Let Naked Drivers ‘Lay You Up’

Someone once referred to motorists driving on the highway without insurance as “naked” drivers. Well, there’s a lot more of them driving on the roadway today than ever before and its only getting worse. As of 2004, 14.6% of all the drivers on the...